How to develop your own Plugins

To develop a Plugin you need to create a class inheriting from PTKPlugin, set the appropriate property values and write the implementation in the RunPlugin() method. You should look to existing Plugins for examples.

Plugin naming

It is recommended not to use the prefix PTK for your own class names, so that you can clearly distinguish between core Plugins provided by PTK and those you have developed yourself.

Modifying paths and auto-detecting new Plugins

If you add a Plugin, it needs to be in one of the existing Plugin directories, or else you need to modify the PTKAddPaths.m function to include your additional paths.

If you modify PTKAddPaths.m during a Matlab session, you may need to run PTKAddPaths force to force it to detect the new paths (restarting Matlab will always pick up the new paths).

When running Plugins using the API, PTK will find them if they are on the current path set by PTKAddPaths.

The GUI will only display Plugins that were found in the Plugin directories during the first run in a Matlab session. To force it to search again, close all Matlab windows then run clear all classes to clear the memory caches.

Implement the RunPlugin() method

Assuming you have set the property PTKVersion = '2' (see below), then you need to implement the following RunPlugin() method:

  methods (Static)
      function results_image = RunPlugin(dataset, context, reporting)
          ... do some processing and set results_image

The following three parameters are passed to your Plugin when it is run by PTK:




A MimDatasetCallback object which provides access to the dataset similar to how you use it from the API. In particular, you can fetch other Plugin results using GetResult() and parameters using GetParameter()


The current context which PTK is asking you to process. If your Plugin supports processing over different Contexts then you may need to use this value to fetch the appropriate Context results from other Plugins


A PTKReporting object for progress and error reporting

Plugin properties

Properties determining how the Plugin is run

Property name

Recommended value




If true, enables caching of results. This speeds up processing but uses additional disk storage


true during development, false in production

If true, force the Plugin to run even if a result is in the cache. Set to true during development, otherwise changes to your Plugin changes may not be executed if a cached result is found


'ReplaceOverlay' or 'DoNothing'

Tells the GUI what to do with the result of the plugin after it has been run. ReplaceOverlay means the Plugin is expected to return a segmentation image which should be displayed as a colour overlay. ReplaceImage means the underlying image should be changed (normally only for context changes)



If true, the GUI will never to show a button for this Plugin. Typically for Plugins which it does not make sense to run directly from the GUI



Controls how the preview image displayed on the Plugin button is shown. If true then it superimposes all slices of the result to generate a preview.



Determines the Plugin interface version which your Plugin implements. This determines the parameters passed into the RunPlugin() method. At time of writing this is 2 so you should set this parameter to '2' and implement your Plugin to expect the corresponding inputs. The value '1' can be specified to allow older Plugins to be run without modification


'PTKContextSet.LungROI' | Advanced property. The [Context or ContextSet](../datatypes/ over which the Plugin will be run. When running the Plugin, PTK will convert the Context to what the Plugin is expecting. For lung analysis, most plugins run on the LungROIcontext set which means they receive the lung image cropped to the ROI. It is also possible to specify’PTKContextSet.OriginalImage’to receive the full-size original image, or to receive Lung or Lobe regions. Or, if your Plugin can operate on an arbitrary region (such as specified by a manual segmentation), then set to’PTKContextSet.Any’to allow any Context. SeePTKCTDensityAnalysis.m` for an example of how to use the Any context.

Properties determining how the Plugin button is shown in the GUI

Property name

Recommended value



Your plugin name

Text that appears on the Plugin’s button in the GUI Plugins tab


Your plugin description

Mouse hover-over text for Plugin’s button in the GUI Plugins tab


Group name for your Plugin

Which button group the Plugin button will appear in on the GUI



Relative width of the Plugin’s button on the GUI



Relative height of the Plugin’s button on the GUI



Set to Developer for the Plugin button to be visible in Developer mode, Always for always visible, or Dataset for always visible when any dataset is loaded



Determines if the Plugin will generate a preview image for the GUI